Saturday 7 September 2013

This is where democracy begins? Your 'ethical' voice required....

The purpose of today's entry is a plea to fill in a survey about what ethical issues YOU are interested (excuse the shouting!).

Having devoted most of my time today following the Australian election and listening to a debate on Radio 4 about whether the UK Parliament's Syria defeat diminished Britain's role in the world, it is now time to think about shaping our syllabus.

I've amassed quite a bit of new literature in the past couple of weeks and will use this as a basis to revise the module. There will still be the opportunity to engage with classical ethical theories but I really want to ensure we are making our discussions both contemporaneous and cutting edge in terms of the placement of ethics in the world today.

The previous post on the blog (which is below) listed some of the topics I've been exploring through the Carnegie Council and Chatham House. This is just a starting point and I'm hoping to find some time before a conference next week to explore other policy areas and initiatives (e.g. Brookings Institution, Clinton Global Initiative).

You can find the survey by CLICKING HERE (don't worry - this isn't a spam link trying to sell you steak knives).

Enjoy your weekend....

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